
-1 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
cumulative_gas_used numeric 100 null
error varchar 255 null
gas numeric 100 null
gas_price numeric 100 null
gas_used numeric 100 null
hash bytea 2147483647 null
internal_transactions.transaction_hash internal_transactions_transaction_hash_fkey C
logs.transaction_hash logs_transaction_hash_fkey C
token_transfers.transaction_hash token_transfers_transaction_hash_fkey C
transaction_actions.hash transaction_actions_hash_fkey C
transaction_forks.hash transaction_forks_hash_fkey C
index int4 10 null
withdrawals.index Implied Constraint R
input bytea 2147483647 null
nonce int4 10 null
r numeric 100 null
s numeric 100 null
status int4 10 null
v numeric 100 null
value numeric 100 null
inserted_at timestamp 29,6 null
updated_at timestamp 29,6 null
block_hash bytea 2147483647 null
blocks.hash transactions_block_hash_fkey C
block_number int4 10 null
from_address_hash bytea 2147483647 null
to_address_hash bytea 2147483647 null
created_contract_address_hash bytea 2147483647 null
created_contract_code_indexed_at timestamp 29,6 null
earliest_processing_start timestamp 29,6 null
old_block_hash bytea 2147483647 null
revert_reason text 2147483647 null
max_priority_fee_per_gas numeric 100 null
max_fee_per_gas numeric 100 null
type int4 10 null
has_error_in_internal_txs bool 1 null
block_timestamp timestamp 29,6 null
block_consensus bool 1 true


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
transactions_pkey Primary key Asc hash
method_id Performance
pending_txs_index Performance Asc/Asc inserted_at + hash
transactions_block_consensus_index Performance Asc block_consensus
transactions_block_hash_error_index Performance Asc/Asc block_hash + error
transactions_block_hash_index_index Must be unique Asc/Asc block_hash + index
transactions_block_number_index Performance Asc block_number
transactions_block_timestamp_index Performance Asc block_timestamp
transactions_created_contract_address_hash_with_pending_index Performance Asc/Desc/Desc/Desc/Asc created_contract_address_hash + block_number + index + inserted_at + hash
transactions_created_contract_address_hash_with_pending_index_a Performance Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc/Desc created_contract_address_hash + block_number + index + inserted_at + hash
transactions_created_contract_code_indexed_at_index Performance Asc created_contract_code_indexed_at
transactions_from_address_hash_with_pending_index Performance Asc/Desc/Desc/Desc/Asc from_address_hash + block_number + index + inserted_at + hash
transactions_from_address_hash_with_pending_index_asc Performance Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc/Desc from_address_hash + block_number + index + inserted_at + hash
transactions_inserted_at_index Performance Asc inserted_at
transactions_nonce_from_address_hash_block_hash_index Performance Asc/Asc/Asc nonce + from_address_hash + block_hash
transactions_recent_collated_index Performance Desc/Desc block_number + index
transactions_status_index Performance Asc status
transactions_to_address_hash_with_pending_index Performance Asc/Desc/Desc/Desc/Asc to_address_hash + block_number + index + inserted_at + hash
transactions_to_address_hash_with_pending_index_asc Performance Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc/Desc to_address_hash + block_number + index + inserted_at + hash
transactions_updated_at_index Performance Asc updated_at

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
pending_block_number (((block_hash IS NOT NULL) OR (block_number IS NULL)))
collated_block_number (((block_hash IS NULL) OR (block_number IS NOT NULL)))
status ((((block_hash IS NULL) AND (status IS NULL)) OR (block_hash IS NOT NULL) OR ((status = 0) AND ((error)::text = 'dropped/replaced'::text))))
collated_index (((block_hash IS NULL) OR (index IS NOT NULL)))
pending_index (((block_hash IS NOT NULL) OR (index IS NULL)))
pending_cumalative_gas_used (((block_hash IS NOT NULL) OR (cumulative_gas_used IS NULL)))
pending_gas_used (((block_hash IS NOT NULL) OR (gas_used IS NULL)))
collated_gas_price (((block_hash IS NULL) OR (gas_price IS NOT NULL)))
collated_gas_used (((block_hash IS NULL) OR (gas_used IS NOT NULL)))
collated_cumalative_gas_used (((block_hash IS NULL) OR (cumulative_gas_used IS NOT NULL)))
error (((status = 0) OR ((status <> 0) AND (error IS NULL))))
