

Name Type Language Deterministic Return Type Security Restriction Comments
gbt_timetz_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_uuid_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_numeric(numeric, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_uuid_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_bool_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey2 INVOKER
citext_pattern_le(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_var_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_char("char", "char", smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_money(money, money, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_int2_consistent(internal, smallint, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_date_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_ts_distance(internal, timestamp without time zone, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
gin_extract_query_timestamp(timestamp without time zone, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_inet_same(gbtreekey16, gbtreekey16, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbtreekey_var_out(gbtreekey_var) FUNCTION c true cstring INVOKER
gin_enum_cmp(anyenum, anyenum) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_oid_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_uuid(uuid, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_macaddr(macaddr, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_macad_same(gbtreekey16, gbtreekey16, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_enum_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_date_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey8 INVOKER
gin_extract_query_bpchar(character, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_oid(oid, oid, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_int4_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
strict_word_similarity_dist_op(text, text) FUNCTION c true real INVOKER
show_limit() FUNCTION c false real INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_interval(interval, interval, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
regexp_replace(citext, citext, text, text) FUNCTION sql true text INVOKER
gbt_int8_same(gbtreekey16, gbtreekey16, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_oid(oid, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_enum_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
show_trgm(text) FUNCTION c true text[] INVOKER
gbt_bpchar_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_cash_distance(internal, money, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
interval_dist(interval, interval) FUNCTION c true interval INVOKER
int4_dist(integer, integer) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_macaddr(macaddr, macaddr, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_uuid_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_macad_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey16 INVOKER
gbt_float8_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
texticlike(citext, citext) FUNCTION internal true boolean INVOKER
gbt_ts_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
citext(boolean) FUNCTION internal true citext INVOKER
gbt_cash_consistent(internal, money, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_float8_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int8_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_name(name, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_char("char", internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_numeric_same(gbtreekey_var, gbtreekey_var, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_time_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int2_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_numeric(numeric, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_enum_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_cidr(cidr, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_trgm_consistent(internal, smallint, text, integer, internal, internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_macad8_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_float4(real, real, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_extract_value_bpchar(character, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_name(name, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_cash_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gtrgm_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
min(citext) AGGREGATE internal true citext INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_date(date, date, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_float8(double precision, double precision, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_name(name, name, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_extract_query_text(text, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
citext_pattern_gt(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_ts_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
strpos(citext, citext) FUNCTION sql true integer INVOKER
strict_word_similarity_dist_commutator_op(text, text) FUNCTION c true real INVOKER
float4_dist(real, real) FUNCTION c true real INVOKER
gbt_int4_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
citext_larger(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true citext INVOKER
gin_extract_query_money(money, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
regexp_split_to_array(citext, citext) FUNCTION sql true text[] INVOKER
gbt_ts_same(gbtreekey16, gbtreekey16, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_bytea_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey_var INVOKER
gbt_intv_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int8_distance(internal, bigint, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
citext_pattern_ge(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gin_extract_value_trgm(text, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_uuid_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey32 INVOKER
gbt_oid_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey8 INVOKER
gin_extract_value_cidr(cidr, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_float8_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_timestamp(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_bytea_consistent(internal, bytea, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gin_extract_value_anyenum(anyenum, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_int4(integer, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
word_similarity_op(text, text) FUNCTION c false boolean INVOKER
gbt_numeric_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_inet(inet, inet, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_extract_query_oid(oid, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_interval(interval, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gtrgm_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gtrgm INVOKER
citext_pattern_cmp(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_var_decompress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_bool_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_intv_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey32 INVOKER
gbt_inet_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
citext_eq(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
regexp_split_to_table(citext, citext) FUNCTION sql true SETOF text INVOKER
float8_dist(double precision, double precision) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
gin_extract_value_timetz(time with time zone, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbtreekey4_out(gbtreekey4) FUNCTION c true cstring INVOKER
gbt_macad8_same(gbtreekey16, gbtreekey16, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_int4(integer, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int2_distance(internal, smallint, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
gtrgm_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
citext_ge(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_macad8_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbtreekey2_out(gbtreekey2) FUNCTION c true cstring INVOKER
convert(text[]) FUNCTION plpgsql false bytea[] INVOKER
int8_dist(bigint, bigint) FUNCTION c true bigint INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_varbit(bit varying, bit varying, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_trgm_triconsistent(internal, smallint, text, integer, internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true "char" INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_macaddr8(macaddr8, macaddr8, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_extract_query_varbit(bit varying, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_text_same(gbtreekey_var, gbtreekey_var, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_intv_same(gbtreekey32, gbtreekey32, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_bpchar(character, character, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_numeric_cmp(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_macad8_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int2_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_int2(smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int4_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_float8_distance(internal, double precision, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
citextin(cstring) FUNCTION internal true citext INVOKER
gbt_float8_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_date_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
regexp_matches(citext, citext) FUNCTION sql true SETOF text[] INVOKER
word_similarity(text, text) FUNCTION c true real INVOKER
gbt_oid_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
citext_gt(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_oid_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_bit(bit, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_bool_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_int8(bigint, bigint, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_time_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_date(date, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gtrgm_distance(internal, text, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
gbt_decompress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
citextout(citext) FUNCTION internal true cstring INVOKER
strict_word_similarity_op(text, text) FUNCTION c false boolean INVOKER
gbt_enum_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey8 INVOKER
word_similarity_commutator_op(text, text) FUNCTION c false boolean INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_time(time without time zone, time without time zone, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_intv_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_float8_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey16 INVOKER
gtrgm_decompress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_bytea_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_intv_distance(internal, interval, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
citext_pattern_lt(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_bool_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_tstz_consistent(internal, timestamp with time zone, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_bytea(bytea, bytea, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_numeric_consistent(internal, numeric, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
regexp_split_to_table(citext, citext, text) FUNCTION sql true SETOF text INVOKER
gbtreekey16_out(gbtreekey16) FUNCTION c true cstring INVOKER
gbt_inet_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_float4_distance(internal, real, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
split_part(citext, citext, integer) FUNCTION sql true text INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_anyenum(anyenum, anyenum, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
time_dist(time without time zone, time without time zone) FUNCTION c true interval INVOKER
gbt_uuid_same(gbtreekey32, gbtreekey32, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_numeric(numeric, numeric, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_extract_query_int2(smallint, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbtreekey16_in(cstring) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey16 INVOKER
gbt_int4_consistent(internal, integer, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_int2_same(gbtreekey4, gbtreekey4, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_money(money, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
texticlike(citext, text) FUNCTION internal true boolean INVOKER
gbt_cash_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_bit_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey_var INVOKER
gbt_oid_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_tstz_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_timestamp(timestamp without time zone, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
citextsend(citext) FUNCTION internal false bytea INVOKER
gin_extract_query_anyenum(anyenum, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
regexp_matches(citext, citext, text) FUNCTION sql true SETOF text[] INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_uuid(uuid, uuid, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_extract_value_macaddr8(macaddr8, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbtreekey32_in(cstring) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey32 INVOKER
gbt_bytea_same(gbtreekey_var, gbtreekey_var, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_timetz(time with time zone, time with time zone, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_numeric_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_timetz(time with time zone, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_numeric_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_float8(double precision, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_timestamptz(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_extract_query_time(time without time zone, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_float8(double precision, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_bool_same(gbtreekey2, gbtreekey2, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gtrgm_options(internal) FUNCTION c true void INVOKER
gbt_float4_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey8 INVOKER
gtrgm_consistent(internal, text, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_bit(bit, bit, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_float4_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gtrgm_same(gtrgm, gtrgm, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
similarity(text, text) FUNCTION c true real INVOKER
citext_hash_extended(citext, bigint) FUNCTION c true bigint INVOKER
texticnlike(citext, text) FUNCTION internal true boolean INVOKER
texticregexeq(citext, text) FUNCTION internal true boolean INVOKER
gbt_bytea_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_float4(real, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_inet(inet, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_cash_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_float4_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_uuid_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_bool_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_enum_same(gbtreekey8, gbtreekey8, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_oid_distance(internal, oid, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_text(text, text, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
tstz_dist(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) FUNCTION c true interval INVOKER
date_dist(date, date) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_enum_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_timestamptz(timestamp with time zone, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_time(time without time zone, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_ts_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_bit_same(gbtreekey_var, gbtreekey_var, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_timestamptz(timestamp with time zone, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_bit(bit, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_intv_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_bytea(bytea, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_bytea_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_text(text, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_time_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_char("char", internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int2_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int4_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gtrgm_in(cstring) FUNCTION c true gtrgm INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_int2(smallint, smallint, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_date_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
texticnlike(citext, citext) FUNCTION internal true boolean INVOKER
citext_smaller(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true citext INVOKER
gbt_bit_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_inet_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey16 INVOKER
gbt_float4_same(gbtreekey8, gbtreekey8, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gtrgm_out(gtrgm) FUNCTION c true cstring INVOKER
gbtreekey2_in(cstring) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey2 INVOKER
cash_dist(money, money) FUNCTION c true money INVOKER
gin_extract_query_bool(boolean, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_bytea(bytea, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_text_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_bit_consistent(internal, bit, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_float8_same(gbtreekey16, gbtreekey16, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_macad8_consistent(internal, macaddr8, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_date_distance(internal, date, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
gbtreekey4_in(cstring) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey4 INVOKER
regexp_split_to_array(citext, citext, text) FUNCTION sql true text[] INVOKER
regexp_match(citext, citext, text) FUNCTION sql true text[] INVOKER
citextrecv(internal) FUNCTION internal false citext INVOKER
gbt_enum_consistent(internal, anyenum, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_int8_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey16 INVOKER
gin_extract_value_interval(interval, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_date_same(gbtreekey8, gbtreekey8, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
strict_word_similarity(text, text) FUNCTION c true real INVOKER
gbtreekey8_in(cstring) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey8 INVOKER
replace(citext, citext, citext) FUNCTION sql true text INVOKER
gin_btree_consistent(internal, smallint, anyelement, integer, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_int4_same(gbtreekey8, gbtreekey8, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
word_similarity_dist_commutator_op(text, text) FUNCTION c true real INVOKER
regexp_replace(citext, citext, text) FUNCTION sql true text INVOKER
gin_extract_query_float4(real, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_date_consistent(internal, date, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_intv_consistent(internal, interval, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_float8_consistent(internal, double precision, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_date_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_macaddr(macaddr, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_int4(integer, integer, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gin_extract_query_int8(bigint, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_time_same(gbtreekey16, gbtreekey16, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
ts_dist(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) FUNCTION c true interval INVOKER
gin_extract_query_date(date, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_macad_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int2_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_text_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey_var INVOKER
gbtreekey_var_in(cstring) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey_var INVOKER
gin_extract_value_inet(inet, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int8_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_query_trgm(text, internal, smallint, internal, internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
citext_ne(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_float4_consistent(internal, real, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gin_extract_query_uuid(uuid, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_ts_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey16 INVOKER
gbt_macad_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_varbit(bit varying, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
max(citext) AGGREGATE internal true citext INVOKER
gbt_time_distance(internal, time without time zone, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
gbt_bpchar_consistent(internal, character, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_macad8_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_time_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey16 INVOKER
gbt_macad_consistent(internal, macaddr, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_text_consistent(internal, text, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_time_consistent(internal, time without time zone, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_inet_consistent(internal, inet, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
citext_le(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
citext_lt(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_cidr(cidr, cidr, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_bit_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int8_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gin_extract_value_int8(bigint, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
int2_dist(smallint, smallint) FUNCTION c true smallint INVOKER
gbt_ts_consistent(internal, timestamp without time zone, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_timetz_consistent(internal, time with time zone, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_float4_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_inet_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_text_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_cash_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_intv_fetch(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int8_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int4_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey8 INVOKER
strict_word_similarity_commutator_op(text, text) FUNCTION c false boolean INVOKER
gbt_macad_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_tstz_distance(internal, timestamp with time zone, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
regexp_match(citext, citext) FUNCTION sql true text[] INVOKER
gin_compare_prefix_bool(boolean, boolean, smallint, internal) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbtreekey32_out(gbtreekey32) FUNCTION c true cstring INVOKER
texticregexne(citext, text) FUNCTION internal true boolean INVOKER
gbt_text_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_bit_penalty(internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
texticregexeq(citext, citext) FUNCTION internal true boolean INVOKER
citext(inet) FUNCTION internal true citext INVOKER
word_similarity_dist_op(text, text) FUNCTION c true real INVOKER
gbt_macad_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_intv_decompress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_float4_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
citext_hash(citext) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_uuid_consistent(internal, uuid, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gin_extract_query_macaddr8(macaddr8, internal, smallint, internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_ts_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbtreekey8_out(gbtreekey8) FUNCTION c true cstring INVOKER
gbt_int8_consistent(internal, bigint, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
texticregexne(citext, citext) FUNCTION internal true boolean INVOKER
set_limit(real) FUNCTION c false real INVOKER
oid_dist(oid, oid) FUNCTION c true oid INVOKER
translate(citext, citext, text) FUNCTION sql true text INVOKER
similarity_dist(text, text) FUNCTION c true real INVOKER
gbt_bool_consistent(internal, boolean, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
gbt_oid_same(gbtreekey8, gbtreekey8, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_cash_same(gbtreekey16, gbtreekey16, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_int2_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey4 INVOKER
gbt_time_compress(internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_oid_consistent(internal, oid, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true boolean INVOKER
citext_cmp(citext, citext) FUNCTION c true integer INVOKER
gbt_cash_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey16 INVOKER
gbt_int4_distance(internal, integer, smallint, oid, internal) FUNCTION c true double precision INVOKER
gin_extract_value_bool(boolean, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
similarity_op(text, text) FUNCTION c false boolean INVOKER
gtrgm_picksplit(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true internal INVOKER
gbt_macad8_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey16 INVOKER
gbt_numeric_union(internal, internal) FUNCTION c true gbtreekey_var INVOKER
citext(character) FUNCTION internal true citext INVOKER